People are talking of online food sales to account for 75% of total sales of restaurants in the next five years globally. In a way that would mean demand expansion for the food industry. People going to the restaurants will still go to the restaurants for the experience and ambience. However, the food ordering over apps will create an economy so big that the brick and mortar restaurants will earn a significant share by packing their food and handing them over to food delivery companies for delivery.
The online food ordering business could be a 100 billion dollar opportunity globally.
Having said that, the restaurants will face a new problem if they need to capitalise on this trend (of customers ordering online) in a big way. And that is of logistics and more importantly packaging.
If you are a restaurateur, you will be concerned about the journey your food will take from your kitchen, through the traffic and into the customers homes. And that’s a journey that will expose your food to natural extremities and some made ones. Manufacturers serving the packaging industry offer the following ideas:
Use of Barrier Technologies
A barrier layer is applied to the packaging material. This is how it is done. The packing material is given a coating (covalent bond) by placing it inside a vacuum chamber. This is a non-reactive layer and does not allow the entry of air or moisture. The packaging material is not affected by external conditions once this layer is applied and so helps prevent any loss of aroma or taste to the food packed.
Pack as per need
Food delivery app companies should have primary and secondary packaging solutions of the highest quality. Primary packaging helps protecting the packaging from damage, extending food shelf life, building brand awareness, and providing a visual appeal. Secondary packaging focuses on reducing packaging waste and increases re-usability and ensuring food stays fresh. Of course, the packaging should also be environmentally safe.
Branding on the Pack
Put your brand on the packaging. If you have done a great deal of work on the packaging, chances are that your customer is now holding a food that’s fresh, warm and aromatic. This is the best time to etch your brand in the heart and minds of people. Put your brand on the packing. Put your customer service ethos as well and if possible make a statement, may be about being eco-friendly or health conscious or anything that you think will spread positivity.
Do you need help with packaging design? Get in touch with and find experts to help you out.