The Consultiger Official Blog

Geniality in Selling! Works online as well!
The role of affability or geniality in selling is major, I think. Everything else being equal, the one difference that a sales person can bring in into a sales presentation is the geniality factor.

This is probably the missing link that we are seeing in today’s sales world. The sales process has been turned upside down with CEOs asking companies to work on the product to PULL the customer. Jobs showed the world with his devices. iPhone is demanded by customers; the local distributor/sales team is only a facilitator.

The trait of a good sales person has to be the manner in which she is able to converse with the prospects. The friendliness, the cordiality, the cheerfulness have always been there. But, they are mostly never natural; they are a ‘put on’. Your prospect will see through this in your succeeding interactions and this may hamper the deal itself. Therefore, be nice & friendly, naturally.

The sales process has gone online now. And you must be able to translate the ‘geniality factor’ online as well. Be professional but also communicate with the right choice of words that you also care for the customer, that you are transparent, that you want him to have a good deal, that you will be there to help post-sale as well.

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CATEGORY: Management

Anand Kannan

Founder & CEO at Consultiger - with 20+ years B2B Sales, Marketing & Startup experience! Anand shares his understanding and interests in areas such as Management, Startup/Business, Manufacturing, Industry News/Trends through the blog posts. Enjoy them & share your views!!

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